It was July 2017 when Giuseppe after watching the documentary Cowspiracy and getting conscious about all the problems related with the meat, fish and diary production and consumption decided to radically change and turn vegan. A part the fact that for a big meat eater like him was really challenging even to find the most simple vegan product, he noticed that it was almost impossible to find a good and tasty sandwich to take away, which didn't contain meat, fish, egg or any diary product. So he came to the idea to create a 100% plant based fast food.

A bit seriously a bit as a joke he talked about the idea with his best friends ever and also roommate (yes, it's crazy, the destiny made them live together!) Mirko. From that moment, every evening after work they started to test different recipes and to develop the concept, until March 2018, when they decided to officially found the company. At the time they were both working full time and they had not even the minimum idea about what it means working in the food industry. In fact, Giuseppe studied civil engineering at the ETH and he is a tunnel engineer, while Mirko is finishing his PhD in Physics at the ETH.

From March 2018 until the successful official opening in September 2019 at the Vegana Festival in Zürich a lot of things happened: they developed the repices, they tested them on their friends and families(thanks to everyone!), Mirko developed a way to produce homemade Tempeh (which we would like to distribute in the supermarkets as soon as possible), they bought a used kebab trailer in May 2018, they refurbished it, they developed the logo with the help of the hand drawings of Simone Masoni, they ideated the truck design and at the end, just before the start, the wrapping of the truck happened in July 2019 with the help of Basic Srls.

Now, with the full support of the entire team and family, Veganitas is ready and excited to continue this adventure with you, with the aim of creating a big community with the main goal of contributing to a better planet, free of violence and abuse and with better food.

Hoping to see you soon, we wish you all the best!

Mirko and Giuseppe